Projects Funded

All of the Projects Funded by the OAD in alphabetical order

Email us at info(at) to get in touch with any of the projects.


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“Astro-Phy Quench” – A project of School of Astronomy and Physics in Pakistan
(Re-)integration of DPRK astronomers in the international research community
2019 Girls Astronomy Camp, Nigeria
A Touch of Venus
A virtual community mentorship program for development in Colombia
Accessible Citizen Science for the Developing World
Acornhoek Physics Summer School
Active Learning Astronomy for Schools in Haiti
Ad Astra Academy
Ad Astra Academy 2020
AIM – All dIgital reMote
AMANAR 2.0: A refuge in the stars
Amanar: Under the Same Sky
Amateur astronomers’ network as outreach fosters (AANOF)
Amazonas: Celebrating Astronomy
An astronomical kit for the visually impaired
An Astronomy Center in Bangladesh
Andean Cosmology School
Ask An Astronomer (Pregúntale A Un Astrónomo)
Asteroids workshop: A rocky adventure (Taller de Asteroides: Una aventura rocosa)
Astro Molo Mhlaba 2020
Astro Sprint
Astro-Art Contest for Schools Kids
Astrobabies: Astronomy in early childhood
AstroBVI: An Astronomical Educational Kit for the Blind and Vision Impaired (BVI) Community in South America
Astronomy cadets afterschools, Northern Ireland
AstroEdu 3D – Arquoeastronomy Teaching Kit in Bolivia
Astrolab  2022
Astrolab Distant Training
Astrolab: the consolidation phase
Astro-Logos: stories of the history of the Universe (astrATTO)
AstroMcGill’s Adopt an Astronomer program
Astronomia Periferica (Peripheral Astronomy)
Astronomical measurements in Ancient Greece
Astronomy Club in Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria
Astronomy Festivalitos
Astronomy for Africa: Student Support for Astronomy Modules via Distance Learning
Astronomy for all
Astronomy for All
Astronomy for all: construction of a 3D planetarium with low cost materials for the inclusion of the visually impaired
Astronomy for Canadian Indigenous People
Astronomy for Canadians Indigenous People 2020
Astronomy for community empowerment in Nepal
Astronomy for Earthquake affected Students
Astronomy for Environmental protection in Gobi desert
Astronomy for Extremely ill or Traumatically Injured Children and Their Families
Astronomy for Himalayan Livelihood Creation
Astronomy for Literacy
Astronomy for students through interactive app and game
Astronomy from Archival Data
Astronomy in a Shoebox
Astronomy in Ghana
Astronomy lectures for university students and teachers in Accra, Ghana
Astronomy Motivation Activities in Rural India
Astronomy on Camel Cart
Astronomy Outreach for Inner City Youth
Astronomy Skits for Secondary School Science Education
Astronomy to Develop Pre-Algebra Skills
Astronomy training outreach for preschool teachers in Malaysia
Astronomy Winter School in India
Astronomy with all Senses
AstroPhy Ghana
Astro-prison in Nigeria
Astro-Prison Consolidation in Nigeria
Astro-Science Ambassadors Outreach for Science Education in Tanzania
Astro-tourism development in Tanzania
Astro-tourism with nomadic herder in forest area of Mongolia


Behold the Sky
Beyond the Beach: Foundations for Caribbean Astrotourism
Big Data in Astronomy: A tool for Social Innovation
Bringing radio astronomy to classrooms with affordable radio telescopes


Cenca Bridge
Chinese Ancient Poetry Astrophotography
Clear Skies
Code learning with astronomical ideas
CO-DIY 20 Mailbox
Collecting and visualising healthcare facility data for South Africa (SA) in response to COVID-19
Columba-Hypatia: Astronomy for Peace
Communication and (social) media skills for young astronomers
Community Development Around Timor Observatory
Conduction of astronomical activities to motivate students in Public schools of Nepal
Contest: Painting the Universe from home
Coordinating Astronomy for Public Outreach in Viet Nam (Phase 2): Uniting Amateur Astronomy Clubs and Bringing Astronomy to a Broader Public
Coordinating Astronomy for Public Outreach in Viet Nam: Bringing Astronomy to Remote Areas
Cosmic Code: First Contact
COSMOamautas: Training Teachers in rural areas in Peru
CosmoAmautas: Virtual teacher training in vulnerable regions in Peru
COVID Citizen Science
COVID-19 in Amazonas – Astronomy strikes back
COVID-19 in Amazonas – Astronomy strikes back!
COVID-19 Support for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s)


Dark Skies Outreach to Sub-Saharan Africa
Developing Astronomical Skills in Nepal
Developing Basic Science and Astronomy using Experimental Satellites, Ghana
Development of Astro Tourism in South West Asia
Development of online astronomy lessons for students in Ghana
Development on an online platform for Assessment of COVID-19 spread for planning and implementation of timely intervention
Development through Astronomy in Pakistan
Discover the Universe/e la decouverte de l’Univers – Online workshop for worldwide French teachers
Distance Learning for Home-Bound Students Amid COVID-19
DIY Universe: A Virtual Science Program for Summer Engagement
Documentary Series on Astronomy Research in India


e-Amanar: Under the same sky connection
East Africa School of Astronomy
Education for All: promoting education in internally displaced communities in Burkina Faso
Educational telescope for each high school in Mongolia
Elimisha Msichana. Elimisha Jamii na Astronomia, Kenya (Swahili for ‘educate a girl, educate the entire community with Astronomy’)
Elimisha Msichana. Elimisha Jamii na Astronomia, Kenya 2023. (Swahili for ‘educate a girl, educate the entire community with Astronomy’)
Empowering Rational Capacity through Astronomy: A Distant Learning Approach from Bosscha Observatory
Empowerment of Disadvantaged Rural Girl Children as Social Change Agents through Basic Education in Astronomy.
eScience Cafe: Building a global science community 
E-Teacher Training: Taking astronomy to the Portuguese Speaking Countries community


Formation of Tutors for Astrolab
Fourth ArAS School for Astrophysics


Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) Nepal
GalileoMobile Constellation
Gaza Ambassadors of Mars
Gaza Astronomy Techno-Apps boot camp
Girls Astronomy Camp Abuja, Nigeria
Guatemalan School of Astrophysics 2013
Guatemalan School of Astrophysics 2015
Guatemalan School of Astrophysics 2017
Guide training workshop for tribal students, India
Guide Training for the Tribal Students, India (Phase 2)


Hacking vulnerable people as massive particles
Haiti All Sky Camera
Haiti All Sky Camera 2
Hands on Basic Space Science training for Primary and Junior Secondary School Science Teachers
Hands-on Astronomy Curriculum Training for Primary and Secondary School Teachers
How Big Is Earth?


IDP Children Astronomer’s Outreach
IDP Children’s Astronomy Outreach 2020
Inclusive astronomy in Guatemala
Indonesia-Malaysia Project On Astronomy Education Using Tactile Image
Industry skills from astronomy for emerging economies
Inspiring STEM learning through astronomy in rural Ñuble, Chile
Institute Twinning between the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and the Leiden Observatory
Interdisciplinary Radio Astronomy
Internet of Things Lab for Air Quality Monitoring, Senegal
Introducing Data Analysis in the University System


Joint Exchange Development Initiative for Africa


Kathmandu Astrophysics School 2018
Kathmandu Astrophysics School 2020
Knowledge access and sharing through Cultural Astronomy in Uganda’s Refugee settlements and host communities.


LAMPS: Leveraging local AstronoMy site to Promote STEM
Langkawians Guide Malaysians to the Stars
Latin American School of Observational Astronomy 2014
Latin American School of Observational Astronomy 2015
Latin American School of Observational Astronomy 2016
Latin American School of Observational Astronomy 2017
Limpopo Astronomy Public Outreach (LAPO)
Looking …Up! Astronomy for ALL
Lowell Observatory’s Native American Astronomy Outreach Program: Book Club at home


Madagascar Astronomy Python Workshop 
Making scientific box for school kids and teachers in remote rural areas
Mathare Ambassadors of Astronomy
MENA Regional Summer School: “Astronomy with Small Telescopes” 
Mobile Astronomy Village
Modern Astronomy: Science/Technology Transfer in the SEA-ROAD Region
Molo Mhlaba


Nanotarium: The Most Inexpensive, Quality DIY Planetarium on Earth
National School on Astrophysical Simulation
National Workshop on Astronomy & Astrophysics (NWAA2013), Kathmandu, Nepal
Naval Hill Planetarium: Context-approrpriate Content Development Project
Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE) Africa
Networking and Skilling in astronomy in Senegal
New Planetarium shows in the era of Coronavirus


O Universo é velho, belo e cheio de vida
OAD Injection Moulding Machine – Recycling waste plastic
Obsesion por el Cielo: A Weekly Astronomy Radio Show, and Un Paseo por el Cielo: A Descriptive Guide to the Night Sky
Online collaboration and studentship Assistance Amidst Covid-19
Online Learning Web Application for University and High School Students
Open Astronomy Clubs for Quality Education, Gender Equality and Distribute Telescopes to all Levels of Education Across the Republic for Partnership and good Ties with IAU and the Republic of Cameroon
Open Design Dark Sky Simulator
Optical camera for a 14-inch telescope in Namibia
OruMbya – Astronomy as fuel of life: the resilience of stars in Yoruba, Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Cosmogony.
OruMbya – a library of silenced voices, Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique


Pale Blue Dot – a Universe Awareness project
Pan-African School for Emerging Astronomers 2021
Poetry and Sky Competition
Protect Our Stars (POS)
Providing astronomy inspiration & Hygienic Supplies to underserved families at high risk of infection from Covid-19
Public Library Astronomy Corners


Radio Astronomy For Education
Reach for the Stars
Reach for the Stars (Planetarium for the Blind)
Rediscovering Identity though Astronomy
Regional School on Astrophysical Data Reduction
Revitalizing Astronomy Education and Research in Myanmar Universities
Role of astronomy and space science in fighting COVID-19 and other viruses.
Rooftop diaries


SAAO Aquaponics Farm
Science and Astronomy in Southern Botswana
SciGirls – Empowering girls in science through astronomy
Scouts for Astronomy, Kenya
She Speaks Science
Sign Language Universal Encyclopedic  Dictionary
Sky on a Bike
Slooh Online Astronomy Education
Solar Powered Foot-activated Hand Washing Water Dispensers
Solar System Play
Solving Problems and Cosmic Exploration(S.P.A.C.E)
South West and Central Asian Regional Summer School and Workshop
Starlight (Astrolab) Extended 2016
Starlight in the university: Astrolab
Starlight in the university: Astrolab phase 2
Starry Nights in Cape Verde – Astronomy reaches out West African Islands
Strengthening Astronomy Research at University in Rwanda
Summer School on Statistical Data Analysis and Data Mining in Astronomy
Summer Visiting Program for Astronomers at  the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Summer Workshop on Radio Astrophysics, Tonantzintla 2017
Summer Workshop on Radio Astrophysics, Tonantzintla 2018
Sustainment of the development of astrophysics in Vietnam at the Master/PhD level in the  radio astronomy domain
SYSTEM Sounds: Bringing the Music of the Spheres Down to Earth
SYSTEM Sounds: Interactive Space Music


TARA, Fergusson College Node, Pune, India
Teacher Training on Teaching Science (Physics) and Mathematics using Astronomy and Astrophysics
Teacher training outreach for Astronomy and Science in Mongolia
Telescopes For Siberian Villages
The 3rd South West and Central Asian Regional Workshop
The Art of Learning Astronomy
The Brazilian Network for Astronomical News
The First Arab Winter School for Astrophysics
The Fourth East-African Astronomy Workshop
The LightSound Project: Accessibility for the Blind/Low-Vision Community for the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses, North America
The small corner of the stars : An initiative for development of local communities in La Tatacoa, Colombia
The Supernova Foundation Mentoring Programme
The Travelling Telescope
The UNAWE-UNESCO-Mobil I for Central America 
The Universe – our home full of wonders
Third ArAS School for Astrophysics
Time and Data for Tutors
Time Variability in Modern Astrophysics
Touching Space – Accessible Astronomy
Training of Policy Makers in Ethiopia
Translating and Distributing ‘Space Scoop’ to Students in Underprivileged Areas of Pakistan


Under other skies: dialogues of different cosmological paradigms
Under the Same Sky: Teaching the Teachers in Liberia
Under the Same Stars Communications Campaign
Under the Sky of Iran Campaign
Uplifting the Mozambican astronomy community
Upliftment of Space Technology and Astronomy Cell in Himalayas, India
US National Park Service Night Skies Internship


Vaudemont – Solar Trail for visually impaired
Video Astronomy Lessons for Pakistani School Children
Virtual Classroom Under the sky – PBL with Astronomy


West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers 2014
West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers 2017


Yunnan Minority Regions Astronomical Popularization Footprint Map Plan