Information for Funded Projects

OAD projects are funded between 1 to 3 years. This page provides some essential information for project teams.

Getting Started

If you need a refresher on astronomy-for-development, please visit our Getting Started section.

Getting started


The OAD oversees funded projects which are located all around the globe. We rely on effective and timely communication to keep abreast of project activities and challenges. In addition to the reports requested, we encourage projects to communicate regularly – send us short updates, messages, let us know what is going on in your project, any challenges etc.

Project activities and events: Inform us of your planned activities as early as possible since they may share synergies with another project or OAD Regional Office or IAU activities. We will also be able to advertise your announcements, call for applications etc.

OAD Communications: We publish a quarterly newsletter, an annual report, as well as send email announcements throughout the year and would love to include news and achievements from our projects. You can sign up to the relevant email lists on our website.

Social media: You can send us any relevant project information (articles in the press, videos, updates) you want us to share on the OAD and other IAU channels (see below).

Virtual meetings: We arrange virtual meetings with project teams to help us know your project better and establish a stronger working relationship. We will contact you during the course of the year to arrange meetings.

Networks: The OAD is a centre of coordination linked to several networks worldwide – IAU network of professional astronomers, OAO network of outreach professionals & amateurs, OAE network of astronomy education researchers & practitioners, OAD Regional Offices networks, OAD partners networks etc. All of the above have their own bulletins reaching a diverse network of people and organizations which we hope could lead to further opportunities for you and your project.

Contact Ramasamy Venugopal

IAU Social Media Channels

IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD):

IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO):

IAU Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE):

IAU Centre for the Protection of Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS)


Monitoring & Evaluation

Astronomy-for-development projects are essentially human-centric interventions. To determine the value of the project, its results must be measured through planned evaluation. At the minimum, projects must collect data to help understand what changed as a result of the activities. Projects are encouraged to

  1. Gather feedback from the target audience and even the project team members
  2. Conduct pre-test and post-test surveys where applicable. For example, workshops, trainings, and other learning activities
  3. Analyse the collected data to know the impact of the project and learn from the experience
Monitoring & Evaluation


Projects (that are funded for 1 year) need to submit two compulsory reports. 

  1. mid year update – the OAD will send an email to projects with the link to a reporting form. This can be expected around July-August.
  2. final report – again, an email will be sent to projects. The final reporting form link will be sent in February-March, around one year after the beginning of the project


Projects that are funded for more than 1 year need to submit each year

  1. mid year update – the OAD will send an email to projects with the link to a reporting form. This can be expected around July-August.
  2. performance assessment report – multiyear projects are assessed at the end of each year based on which funding is released for the following year. The OAD will send an assessment form towards the end of the year, in November.

In addition, all projects (both multi-year projects and 1 year projects) will be asked to make a presentation in February, one year after the project started. Example, if your project starts in Jan-Feb 2021, you will be required to make the final presentation in February 2022. This presentation will be attended by the OAD staff, Regional Offices, other IAU Offices and Executive, OAD funders and partners, other astronomy and development stakeholders.

Timeline of milestones:

January – grant agreements signed

February – grants paid by IAU

February – projects onboarding

Feb/Mar/Apr – first meeting of OAD with each project team

July/August – midyear reporting form sent by OAD

Oct/Nov/Dec – second meeting of OAD with each project team

February – final presentations by projects

March – final reporting form sent by OAD

Please note that reporting is mandatory for all projects. Failure to complete reporting requirements may make you ineligible for future funding from the OAD.

reporting guidelines


Some of the resources that project teams may find useful before, during, and after project implementation
