Category Archives: A small corner of the stars : An initiative for development of local communities in “La Tatacoa”

Astrotourism and Entrepreneurship in a Small Town in Colombia

The small corner of the stars, a tiny house next to the OATA observatory at Tatacoa (Colombia) is the first astrotourism laboratory tied to local fauna and flora, astronomy and care of the environment. Through collaborative work with science clubs composed of scholars from the local school, the project is conducting experiments aimed to expand […]

Overview: An initiative for development of local communities in “La Tatacoa”

La Tatacoa is home to numerous fossil deposits, some of which date to the pre-Cambrian period. It is also considered one of the best destinations for astrotourism due to its dark skies, excellent weather and landscapes. During the last decades, the number of visitors per year has been growing, reaching almost 50000 in 2019 when […]