Category Archives: Latin America + Caribbean

CosmoAmautas: Astrophysics Teaching Material for High School (Spanish)

The CosmoAmautas project funded by the IAU OAD has published an astrophysics book (Spanish) for high school teachers. “CosmoAmautas: Astrophysics in the classroom” is a text and activity book with astrophysics teaching material for high school teachers. The content is written in Spanish and intended as introductory material for teachers who want to integrate astronomy […]

Teacher Training Project Impacts Science Education in Rural Peru

CosmoAmautas teacher training program in ruralPeru

The Cosmoamautas project conducted a virtual science education program for high school teachers in rural Peru. More than 90% of the teachers are now ready to delve into new/complex topics and inspire their students. The CosmoAmautas project aimed to bring astronomy and science education to rural regions in Peru, where there is a significant deficit […]

Third OruMbya Workshop on Astronomy and Afro, Indigenous Cultures in Brazil

Logo of OruMbya project on astronomy and afro, indigenous culture in Brazil

The OruMbya project organized its third online workshop in July 2021. The project uses astronomy’s connection to indigenous cultures as a developmental tool, addressing educational, ethnic-racial, gender, class and accessibility issues. OruMbya (Orum, sky in Yorubá, and Mbya, Brazilian Guarani ethnicity) is a pilot project to celebrate Astronomy as the fuel of life, in which […]

AVERO Asteroids Workshop: “Crea tu propio asteroide”

On June 30, #AsteroidDay, OAD project AVERO organized a workshop for teachers.   They have published a video on “Create your own asteroid” (in Spanish). This video contains a short introduction to asteroids as well as a hands-on activity, to be done in the classroom or at home. Interpretation in Chilean Sign Language is included […]

Second OruMbya Workshop

Second workshop of the OruMbya (Orum: sky in Yorubá; and Mbya: Brazilian Guarani ethnicity) project to celebrate Astronomy as the fuel of life, in which the stories of the stars are preserved in the resilience of people from 3 different continents.