Throughout the world, every individual has the right to an education to learn and know something. Therefore, the Malaysian government introduced the preschool program back in 1980. The preschool provides children aged 4 to 6 with an opportunity for early education. Astronomy in early childhood curriculum is meant to increase involvement and interest in learning without causing children anxiety. Therefore, the science curriculum for kindergartens should incorporate astronomical and space studies by integrating appropriate pedagogical methods. Since today, the concept of STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, is becoming a priority, as astronomy is taught for the first time in preschools program. For students to become more competitive in the technological world, STEAM is being emphasized in education policies and curriculum options. Thus, a program should be developed that will provide preschool teachers with astronomy training. This program is organized as an educational program that is held in partnership with astronomy. Specifically, the objective of this program is to assess the level of awareness of the target group regarding the importance of astronomy. Through this program, we provided exposure and awareness to the target groups about the relevance of astronomy in everyday life, for example as daily movement of the sun can provide us with the apparent time of the sun. This program involves a variety of face-to-face or webinar sessions that provide and display interesting teaching and learning opportunities. The detail planned of the program is consists of four activities namely knowledge sharing, demonstration, hands-on and stargazing. The activities conducted in this program will target 50 preschool teachers, 40 preschool students, and 40 participants from the local community. Studying astronomy also enhances early childhood education through the development of knowledge and skills.
Othman Bin Zainon