Category Archives: Europe

Project update: Astro Party 2014

Astro Party 2014, “The Universe in our School” was held in Baykal village, Dolna Mitropolia Municipality, Bulgaria on the 9th and 10th of May 2014. The project was led by Ivo Jokin and was completed successfully with 84 participants (23 teachers, 45 students, 12 guests and 4 volunteers). The program included activities with students and teachers […]

Overview of the project (Phase I-2013)

Project title: Starlight in the university: “Astrolab” Project leader: Prof. Jean-Pierre de Grève The project aims at fully developing and implementing a research tutorial, Astrolab, in universities in need of astronomy infrastructure and curriculum, allowing undergraduate students in sciences to perform real-time observations on a remote telescope, and transforming those observations in to a scientific […]

Overview of the project

Project title: Accessible Citizen Science for the Developing World Project leader: Dr. Robert Simpson The Zooniverse ( has excelled at producing engaging, high-quality citizen science websites that produce peer-reviewed scientific research, especially in astronomy ( Our teams work predominantly in the USA and UK and the majority of our 860,000-strong volunteers are situated in the […]