Category Archives: Europe

Overview of the project

Project leader: Telma Esperança, Project location: Portugal Project description: Portugal is currently going through a deep and serious economic crisis that affects the elderly as well – their economic condition suffered a change and they are easily forgot by the society. In a country in which agriculture was once the maintaining source of the […]

Portuguese project update: eFormação

eFormação de Professores em S. Tomé e Príncipe De 12 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro decorreu no Príncipe a eFormação de Professores realizada no âmbito do projeto realizado pelo NUCLIO – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia, GTTP – Galileo Teacher Training Program e o OAD – Office of Astronomy for Development. A eformação teve o […]

Project update: Become a COSMOSpolitan!

Attention, attention! We are looking for future astronauts, space engineers and astronomers! We are sure that we will find them in the Cuiavia and Pomerania schools, so we set off on a journey through the region. Project The Universe – our home full of wonders is implemented by the Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge and New […]

Project update: Astro Party 2014

Astro Party 2014, “The Universe in our School” was held in Baykal village, Dolna Mitropolia Municipality, Bulgaria on the 9th and 10th of May 2014. The project was led by Ivo Jokin and was completed successfully with 84 participants (23 teachers, 45 students, 12 guests and 4 volunteers). The program included activities with students and teachers […]