Category Archives: Europe

Final report

This project aims to provide an evidence-based pract ice for ef fect ive inclusive teaching to ensure astronomy is appropriated and meaningful for both visually impaired and sighted community. In Ireland, the majority of universities with degree option in astrophysics host astronomy outreach events for the general public and second-level students, in particular, those in […]

Final report

Looking …Up! Astronomy for All”1 aimed to promote inclusive astronomy education and to highlight the need of integrate innovative teaching of the Astronomy in the Curriculum. The key projects tasks, towards this objectives, were: creating, printing and disseminating educational posters and promotional material, Open Days: open to public Observational Days in Special Education Schools (in […]

Early Career Physics Communicator Award for Jasmin Evans

Jasmin Evans, the project leader of ‘Touching space: accessible astronomy’ won the 2017 Early Career Physics Communicator Award from the IOP’s Physics Communicators Group. In her presentation, Jasmin talked about various outreach events she had been involved in, including her Touching Space project. Touching Space was set up to work with local charities to bring astronomy to […]

Winners of Global Video Competition

A Global Competition on Creating an Educational Video on Astronomy was held by the OAD project ”Looking …Up! Astronomy for ALL”. A total of 46 entries were received from 6 countries around the world. Out of five finalists, two winners were selected in the end. They are    Winners: Stop motion animation video on the […]

Overview of project

The purpose of this project is to create a 3D tactile planetarium that will promote astronomy and provide an experience of STEM that is fun, engaging and inspires curiosity in an inclusive environment. The resources will focus on using low-cost materials such as Styrofoam, beads, twine, plastic bags and newsprint, which make this project accessible […]