Category Archives: Sub-Saharan Africa

Overview of the project

Project leader: Samantha Bennett, Project Location: South Africa Project Description: The SAAO (South African Astronomical Observatory) library wants to create astronomy awareness in our communities. The idea is to identify ten public libraries (5 per Province) per annum and create astronomy corners. This will be done in conjunction with the Department of Sports, Arts […]

Overview of the project

Project leader Bonnie Thurber, Project location: Digital: Chile, China, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, and the United States Project description: Using only the sunlight striking the Earth and a wooden dowel, students can measure the circumference of the earth. Eratosthenes did it over 2,000 years ago. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan shared the process by which Eratosthenes […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Susan Oduori, Project location: Kenya Project description: The goal of the Traveling telescope is to promote science learning to a wide range of Kenyan schools in various locations exchanging knowledge about the sky through direct observations of celestial bodies using state of the art telescopes. In addition to direct observing we also teach […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Mponda Malozo, Project location: Tanzania Project description: Astro-Science Ambassadors are science teachers trained to teach using astronomy as a tool for inquiry based science education in Tanzania. These ambassadors participated in a training workshop which designed to develop astro-science curriculum activities in line with science syllabuses of the United Republic of Tanzania. […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Michael Backes, Project location: Windhoek, Namibia Project description: This project is centered on purchasing an optical camera for the use with a 14-inch telescope in Windhoek, Namibia. Namibia is home to the world’s largest gamma-ray experiment, the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) project. Also, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope will partly […]