Improving Cultural Astronomy Education in Bolivia

The AstroEdu3D – Archeoastronomy Teaching Kit in Bolivia project developed teaching kits in Cultural Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the Tiwanakota culture of Bolivia. The objective was to provide resources to educators and students interested in Astronomy and pre-Inca cultures of Bolivia to develop a class on Tiwanacota Archeoastronomy topic. The products of the project are Teaching Kits, virtual workshops for the use of the Kits and its diffusion to the general public with free access. The project developed the kits through the participation of students and professionals in the field.

• Creation of Working Groups (February, 2022. FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
For the development of the project, profiles of professionals with backgrounds in: Space Sciences, Astrophysics, History, Geology, Psychopedagogy, Teaching Staff and Archaeoastronomy were considered. Likewise, there were volunteer participants from different cities including Cochabamba, Potosí, Tarija and La Paz. The participation of volunteers who were divided into teams of: NTICS, Academic Committee, Biosafety, Snacks, Astro3DBol Workshop, Photographic Record and Logistics was included.
• Volunteering (February – November, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
As part of a comprehensive project, the organization of Professionals, Stakeholders and students for Astronomy for Education was included, which allowed the completion of different activities for the Project.
• Multimedia, Web Page and Photography (April, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
• 3D modeling (April, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
The revision in several stages of a 3D modeling of the two models presented that can be used for the implementation of a Class in Fundamentals of Astronomy was required. This model was generated from the beginning, being revised in at least 6 versions for the final product.
• Academic Review (August, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
As part of the academic resources generated, a 14-page Use Guide for the Lesson Plan was generated for the Astro3DBol kits that were generated. The guide is divided into moments by 3d models and interactions.
• 3D Printing (August – September, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
To reach the target of 70 kits to be distributed in the workshop session on 07/09/2022. Work schedules were organized jointly with student volunteers who participated in the manufacture of the kits. In its entirety, the 3D printers worked 17 hours in a row in Printing, with remote supervision through the computer and the desktop camera in the project classroom.
• Logistics of the ASTRO3DBOL Workshop (February – November, 2022. Remotely in Potosí, Tarija, La Paz and FESA Foundation, Cochabamba)
Finally, as part of the implementation of the Workshop, their own activities were coordinated for the logistics of the event, including the different parts of the proposed program, seminars, workshops, refreshments, certification, biosafety, photographic record, moderation, recording.


– Virtual and in-person workshops
– Astro3DBol Kit consisting of
• 2x3D Printed Models for the implementation of an Archaeoastronomy Class
• Andean Constellations Figures for Cultural Astronomy
• Academic Plan – Class Guides (x13 Interactions)
• Storage Bag/Packaging
• Online media


  • capacity building for teaching Astronomy in class (Archeoastronomy and cultural astronomy) reaching 100 teachers, educators and professionals related to astronomy
  • created awareness in the community of educators about the Tiwanakota cultural heritage
  • promoted good practices for Astronomy education and development of STEAM projects in Bolivia
  • contributed with regional academic content on Astronomy Education, developing three models, manufacturing 100 kits and generating multimedia videos
  • developed a network and database of teachers, astronomy clubs, and students interested for Archeoastronomy and cultural astronomy.