Project leader: Jenry Mauricio Giraldo Buitrago, Project location: Colombia Project description: A Sensoroteca is a space in which objects that can be perceived through taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight are stored. This is the same concept as a library structure but in this case, instead of carrying books, the contents are objects and […]
Category Archives: TF3 funded projects
Project leader: Pedro Valdés, Project location: Mexico Project description: “Obsesión por el Cielo” (Obsession for the Sky) is a weekly radio show where we talk about astronomy and space exploration. It is broadcasted live on the radio station of the Universidad de Monterrey, in the metropolitan area of Monterrey in Mexico. It can also […]
Project leader: Dominique Proust, Project location: Global Project description: This project proposes the dissemination of a unique language for the deaf worldwide, associated with astronomical terms. While celestial objects are varied and the project can be expanded easily, the proposal will give special attention to the basic terms linked with the IYL2015, for example […]
Project leader: Samantha Bennett, Project Location: South Africa Project Description: The SAAO (South African Astronomical Observatory) library wants to create astronomy awareness in our communities. The idea is to identify ten public libraries (5 per Province) per annum and create astronomy corners. This will be done in conjunction with the Department of Sports, Arts […]
View the trailer for the Documentary Series on Astronomy Research in India: