Category Archives: Latin America + Caribbean

Final report

The AstroTwinCoLO 2014 Meeting was the second event celebrated as part of the Astronomy Twinning Program between the University of Antioquia (Colombia) and Leiden Observatory (Leiden). The meeting was held in Medellin (Colombia) between August 19-29, 2014. The goal was to continue with a 5-year long collaboration effort between the two institutions that started in […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Jenry Mauricio Giraldo Buitrago, Project location: Colombia Project description: A Sensoroteca is a space in which objects that can be perceived through taste, hearing, smell, touch and sight are stored. This is the same concept as a library structure but in this case, instead of carrying books, the contents are objects and […]

Overview of the project

Project leader Bonnie Thurber, Project location: Digital: Chile, China, Nepal, Russia, South Africa, and the United States Project description: Using only the sunlight striking the Earth and a wooden dowel, students can measure the circumference of the earth. Eratosthenes did it over 2,000 years ago. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan shared the process by which Eratosthenes […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Fabio Del Sordo, Project location: South America Project description: GalileoMobile (GM, is a non-profit, itinerant education initiative that brings Astronomy to young people in areas with limited access to outreach programmes. Started in 2009 by a group of volunteers, it now performs astronomy-related activities in schools and communities all over the […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Eduardo Rubio-Herrera, Project location: Guatemala Project Description: The GUAtemalan School of Astrophysics (GUASA) aims to bring together local Central American/Caribbean undergraduate students of physics/mathematics/engineering, with experts from prestigious astronomical institutions from around the world. During each edition, we expect to cover a wide range of modern topics of astrophysics in order to […]