Category Archives: Fourth East African Astronomy Workshop

Project Update: Fourth East African Astronomy workshop

The Fourth East African Astronomy workshop hosted at the University of Rwanda from June 30th to July 4th 2014 Fourth East African Astronomy workshop, sponsored by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development, was hosted by the University of Rwanda in Kigali City between June 30th and July 4th 2014. The workshop concerned the status […]

First announcement of The 4th East African Astronomy Workshop (EAAW-IV)

First ANNOUNCEMENT of The fourth East African Astronomy Workshop (EAAW-IV) University of Rwanda -College of Education (Former Kigali Institute of Education) Kigali-Rwanda June 30- July 04, 2014 The astronomical community of the East Africa will meet in Kigali (June 30 – July 04) to explore the advancement of the astronomy in the region. The […]

Overview of the project

Project title: The fourth East African Astronomy Workshop Project leader: Dr. Pheneas Nkundabakura The series of workshops in Astronomy in East Africa began in 2009 during the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009). The first workshop was held in November 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya and was supported largely by the International Astronomical Union/ Teaching for Astronomy […]