Category Archives: 2015


This project is devoted to make a cross check between the signs in different part of the Globe and also detect the missing terms and, if it is possible, try to choose only one sign for all the deaf people on the world. At this moment we are translating to the English the book by […]

Open Meetings

Astronomy for Development is inherently a global idea, cutting across all geographical and most human barriers. It has been steadily gaining momentum over the past few years. With the establishment of Regional Offices across the globe, there are more stakeholders than ever before. It is now critical to stick to the bottom-up approach to include a diverse range […]

Final Report

Copperbelt University is primarily a teaching university in the Copperbelt region of Zambia. As with universities everywhere and in tune with the Government understanding that research is necessary for the countries development, they are actively trying to improve their research productivity. My proposal was to use astronomy to provide a path to implementing a research […]


A detailed outreach plan was developed with all the places where the project would target. The outreach map was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was focussed on outreach activities in Nandod Taluka and Phase 2 was focussed on outreach activities in Dediapada Taluka. The phase 1 was conducted in February 2015 and phase 2 was conducted […]


This is a pilot project to support students all over Africa who want to study Astronomy but where the university in their home country does not offer astronomy courses. We pay for their UNISA (University of South Africa) applications and the astronomy modules for the first and second year. In other words, this is a multi-year project. The project started slow […]