Author Archives: MasterUser

The ‘Retinas’ Project and PEEK

 In seeking out a new Zooniverse project to focus the efforts of this grant we initially looked for something astronomical in nature. It was hard though to find anything with a astronomical science case, or research goal, that was uniquely connected to the developing world, and to science that would have the most impact there […]

Science Forum South Africa – 2015

Thematic Session: Astronomy for Development Wednesday, Dec 09, 11:00-12:30, CSIR Convention Center, Pretoria As the world faces a global refugee crisis; accelerating climate change; widening wealth inequality and unprecedented levels of human trafficking, what role should scientists play? This session provides a platform for critical, evidence-based debate on direct contributions to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) […]


The Andean Cosmology School took place at Uniandes in Bogota. In a month-long school 20 students from 5 different countries in the region met with instructors from Colombia, Israel, Germany and the United States. The school had lectures on theoretical, computational, observational and instrumentational aspects of contemporary cosmology. Lectures – Website –