With the help of OAD-IAU, we are targeting at becoming the main hub to coordinate amateur astronomy activities as well as to circulate information on astronomical events, and science development in the country. Translation of the book Galileo’s “Starry Messenger”: We finished the first draft of the translation and publish it in one of the website of amateur […]
Category Archives: TF3 funded projects
The project has developed “A Practical Science Communication Guide”, downloadable in pdf
Unfortunately, this project is NO LONGER FUNDED by the OAD due to unavailability of the PI
The mid-term report can be downloaded in pdf
This project is devoted to make a cross check between the signs in different part of the Globe and also detect the missing terms and, if it is possible, try to choose only one sign for all the deaf people on the world. At this moment we are translating to the English the book by […]