Category Archives: Central and South Asia

Final summary

Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) is an organization based in Ladakh, India providing clean energy and education access to remote off-grid communities in Himalayas. Electricity has acted as a powerful tool to stimulate economic empowerment and create new streams of revenue generation for this region. With a vision to leverage astronomy as a key development intervention […]


We are going to make an interactive astronomical app as most of the young generation use smartphone or pc. It will feature all the planets of the Solar system along with the Sun and the Moon as interactive characters. The anthropomorphized characters will have various range of expression. Their genders will be determined by the […]


Kathmandu Astrophysics School 2020 (KAS20) will be a 2-week astrophysics school on ‘Introduction to Astronomical Data Analysis ‘, targeting 25 advanced undergraduate students from Nepal (~80%) and abroad (~20%). The first week of the school will cover programming basics in ‘An Introduction to Python’ in order to ensure students develop the necessary skills to tackle […]

DAP Website

DAP Website Project Development through Astronomy in Pakistan (DAP) uses astronomy to create awareness about the environmental crises, reduce gender inequality, promote peace, equality and education in the country. DAP is being run by Cosmic Perspective, an astronomy education and entertainment social enterprise.