Astronomy for Development: Case Studies

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for our planet, intended to create a sustainable future by 2030. The IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) was established with the conviction that scientists, including astronomers, have much to offer in building an inclusive, sustainable world for all.

Since 2011, the OAD has funded and coordinated over 200 projects that use astronomy as a tool to address challenges in communities and fulfil some of these SDGs. More than 1.2 Million Euros has been granted to 217 projects globally. These projects have reached at least 2 million people in 100+ countries, impacting 11 of the 17 SDGs. This latest case studies document focuses on 6 projects that represent the varied ways OAD projects are creating an impact. OAD Fellows, Dana Ficut-Vicas and Maria Alejandra Diaz, interviewed these OAD projects to understand how they are changing their communities and serving as examples of science promoting sustainable development.

  1. Rediscovering Identity though Astronomy, Chile
  2. Astronomy for students through interactive app and game, Bangladesh
  3. Astronomy for Mental Health
  4. Big Data Hackathons
  5. Video Astronomy Lessons for School Children, Pakistan
  6. OruMbya: Astronomy as a Fuel of Life, Brazil