update: Festivalitos de Astronomía, Cundinamarca 2018

The Association of Astronomy of Colombia – ASASAC, with the support and commitment of Colsubsidio, CILABS, the National University of Colombia and the International Astronomical Union conducted the Festivalitos de Astronomía program.

It is worth highlighting the impact generated to children, youth and adults who for the first time access this type of program and observe through a telescope or enter a mobile planetarium, as well as the gratitude and insistence on the part of the attendees for that these programs are made and come back more often.

We have developed in the impacted municipalities new channels of dissemination and appropriation of science, integrating the community, generating a space for participation and supporting alternatives to educational programs, covering the need to motivate more people in science, establishing an early influence on young people in a striking way.

The response of the people served has been excellent, children who enter the functions of the mobile planetarium more than 3 times and are still anxious to observe through a telescope and continue learning about Astronomy. Thanks to them, our work in dissemination and appropriation of Astronomy and Space Sciences is full of pride and motivates us to continue and continue promoting this type of programs.

We want to highlight some of the achievements that have been made visible throughout this process:

1. Commitment of Colsubsidio and the National University of Colombia in support of the Festivalitos de Astronomía.
2. Impact on more than 3000 children and young people in the municipalities visited.
3. Presence of communities and institutions in rural areas.
4. Children and young people are generating appropriation, knowing something totally foreign to them thanks to this type of initiatives.
5. Access of the population to astronomical dissemination tools such as telescopes and mobile Planetarium.
6. To surpass the goal in the inscriptions to the clubs of Astronomy.
7. Logistics of each Festivalito thanks to the work of Colsubsidio and the support of the promoters, assistants and coordinators of the CILABS.
8. Persistent work of the teams of the National University, Colsubsidio and ASASAC.


1. The approach of rural communities with curiosity to learn astronomy.
2. Older adults waiting to observe through a telescope.
3. Attended Public: 784 people


1. Cultural potential of the municipality that can be empowered by its inhabitants.
2. The interest that aroused the event, thanks to the call for local municipalities to arrive, including schools in Ubaté, were moved to attend the proposed activities.
3. Attended Public: 1125 people


1. High awareness and interest of children in rural areas in the activities they attended.
2. Support from municipal entities such as the church, the mayor’s office, among others.
3. Very good reception in the young population.
4. Higher percentage of clear sky.
5. Attended Public: 1040 people

We hope to continue counting on your support and impulse to develop many more Astronomy festivals and increase this positive impact on the Colombian population.