The Winter School on Astronomy is a four-day educational and cross-cultural rendezvous of astronomy targeted to university students. The school intends to inspire and breed a new generation of astronomers.
Our goal is to bring opportunities for astronomy training and discussion with high-level experts for the young bright minds in the developing world. Invited lecturers will teach various topics in theoretical and observational astronomy. Hands-on exercises will equip the students with various tools in astronomy and data analysis. The last day will feature a a research workshop on stellar clusters that will introduce students to the latest developments in the field.
The school is unique in many ways, including it’s inclusivity of all disciplines. It is the second in a series, with the inaugural school being held in Agra, India. This school, held in Hyderabad, India, has participants from most states of India and from many developing countries. In total, students from nine different countries are registered. The event also promotes cultural exchange and awareness between students from the developed and developing world. Interaction between students and between lecturers and students are high priorities. Career counseling by lecturers through discussion groups and informal interactions is another important part of the school.
With almost one hundred participants, this is a unique event that reaches out to all of Asia and beyond.