Category Archives: 2015

Scifest Africa 2015

  Scifest Africa is South Africa’s National Science Festival, held every year at the end of summer in Grahamstown. It is the biggest platform for scientists and engineers to engage with the public, share their work and inspire the youth to pursue careers in science and technology. Organised by the Grahamstown Foundation and funded by […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Chad Moore, Project location: United States Project description: The United States National Park Service (NPS) aims to create an internship for a current astronomy student or recent astronomy graduate to develop their leadership in astronomy communication while simultaneously enhancing the public outreach programs of the parks. Over the course three months, the […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Quang Nguyen Luong, Project location: Vietnam Project description: The last two IAU grants has done something that is unprecedented: we manage to get the entire amateur astronomy communities together to work together and enjoy astronomy together. The two annual meetings have attracted almost 100 participants from more than 10 cities each times. […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Kathan Kothari, Project location: India Project description: Manthan Educational Programme Society, India is a not for profit organisation focused to ameliorate and instill fresh methods in science communication and entrepreneurship amongst students and community at large. ( During IYA 2009, Manthan worked on a project ‘Astronomy on Camel Cart’ during 100 Hours […]

Overview of the project

Project leader: Telma Esperança, Project location: Portugal Project description: Portugal is currently going through a deep and serious economic crisis that affects the elderly as well – their economic condition suffered a change and they are easily forgot by the society. In a country in which agriculture was once the maintaining source of the […]