Here you will find challenges, recommendations, and evaluations from previously funded projects in TF2: Children and Schools.  Simply click on the links below to open the PDF files. Reviewing this material before you apply will give you a better idea of what to include and what to avoid within your program.

Challenges Faced

Lessons Learned and Recommendations


The impact cycle is extremely important for the OAD. It allows us to capture best practices and move forward as a community, so that each program does not have to start from scratch. We hope that you’ll consider contributing to these documents so that outreach programs around the world can continue to improve.

You can also browse the full reports developed by past projects. If you are considering to run a project based upon or similar to one that we have funded before, it is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with these reports.

Reports and materials from 2013 Projects

Reports and materials from 2014 Projects

Reports and materials from 2015 Projects