Category Archives: Astronomy for Himalayan Livelihood Creation

update: first telescopes installed

GHE selected 30 women from over 15 remote villages of Ladakh for commencing this project. All of them underwent an intensive training in Leh on the basics of astronomy and using telescopes and how they can leverage one of their most valuable assets (clear night skies) as a tool for creating new revenue streams for […]

update: Collaboration with astronomy institution

Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) and Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) have entered into a formal collaboration for AHLC and this project will now officially be a part of IIA’s outreach program. Through this collaboration, we will be able to leverage IIA’s expertise in training the locals on astronomy and handling telescopes along with utilising their […]

Overview of project

Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE) seeks to provide clean energy access, Digital education and Livelihood access through solar power for the remote unelectrified Himalayan communities, located in the higher reaches of the Himalaya above 13000 ft, by providing energy access through DC solar micro-grids. Energy access intervention has acted as a tool for further development and […]