Category Archives: Looking …Up! Astronomy for All

Open day announcement

On March 20th, 2017 (11:00 – 14:00)​ , at Public Special Junior High School of Thessaloniki an “Open Astronomy Day” will take place, in the context of IAU-OAD’s project «Looking … Up program! Astronomy for ALL» ( -oad-2017). We would like to thank the ‘Physics Partizani’ team for ​their ​ participation on​ to this action. […]

Overview of Project

The project “Looking …Up! Astronomy for All” aims to promote inclusive astronomy education. In order the project’s goal to be achieved the follow activities were organized : Open to public Observational Days in Special Education Schools (in the wider region of Thessaloniki/ Central Makedonia / Greece) , Workshops for Teachers on how Astronomy can be integrated in terms of formal and […]