Results of the 2017 Annual Call for Proposals

The IAU-Office of Astronomy for Development’s (OAD) sixth annual call for proposals has concluded and 16 projects have been selected to receive funding in 2018.

The OAD call for proposals in 2017 was conducted in two stages. A total of 114 applications were received at stage 1 from which 40 were selected to proceed to stage 2 after review by the task forces. The OAD then received 35 full applications by the deadline of 15th September 2017. The three Task Forces reviewed all the completed applications and submitted recommendations to the Steering Committee, which approved the final list of projects. The total amount that will be granted to the funded projects will be €112,661.

Task Force-1 Astronomy for Universities and Research

Task Force-1 received 31 applications in stage 1 and 10 applications in stage 2, requesting a total of €383,240 and €102,330 respectively. The following six projects have been offered funding for implementation during the 2018 calendar year.

Task Force-2 Astronomy for Schools and Children

Task Force-2 received 58 applications in stage 1 and 15 in stage 2, requesting a total of €475,125 and €132,021 respectively. The following five projects have been offered funding for implementation during the 2018 calendar year.

Task Force-3 Astronomy for the Public

Task Force-3 received 25 applications in stage 1 and 10 applications in stage 2, requesting a total of €241,560 and €91,889 respectively. The following five projects have been offered funding for implementation during the 2018 calendar year.

The OAD has compiled a ‘Recommended list’ of project proposals that were approved by the reviewers but could not be funded. Browse through the Recommended list and contact us for more details or to support one or more projects.